The Light

I Was a Conservative Christian Until I Saw the Light

What is a belief?  A belief is a bombardment of data, collected and thought about long enough until they become an endearing truth.  We deem our beliefs as already true, because of their familiarity, and may not want to risk decreasing their value by entertaining other ideas.  Liken it to owning and cherishing a diamond ring given to you by someone you love and admire.  Do you want it appraised to discover its worth?  Should you risk learning the precious stone is really Zirconium, a synthetic reproduction?  Do you want to take the chance of offending the benefactor with your intent? You may want to continue to cherish the gift, continue to keep the person in high regard, and continue to believe what makes you feel good.  The previous analogy is how I handled my relationship with Jesus for more years than I want to count.  I did not want to question my biblical roots and risk learning my truth may be tainted.

Nevertheless, the dismantling began when I came across a list of 101 Contradictions of the Bible.  Although some were flimsy and without merit, several were hard fast and caused me to think like never before.  That list was the catalyst that propelled me into the hands of the devil, as some Christians would surmise.  I found out about more contradictions, the plagiarism, the political motives that prompted the inception of Christianity and the editorial deceit that plagues the Bible.  I saw the light.  Moreover, with that light came a grieving process followed by a time of thanksgiving.  Freedom abounds and the truth has made me free.

I understand now how one’s belief system tends to trump the facts, truth or evidence put before them.  Historical data, scientific evidence, scholarly conclusions that contradict one's belief is just a nuisance.  I know, I was there.  All one can do is pity the fool who disagrees with the 'truth' because that person's destiny is hell.  Some would say, 'pray for the fool' instead of 'pity the fool' but it's the same to me.  When confronted with hard fast evidence that opposes precious beliefs the person, might as well be wearing a sound prohibitive copper diver's helmet.  Imagine one donning a helmet, doing a Russian dance, arms folded, feet kicking left to right, head shaking back and forth singing, “I can’t hear you, you must be wrong.” 

Years ago, you could have pointed to me and said, "If you believe the Bible is the infallible word of God you might be a dupe."  At the time, I would have ignored you and gone on my merry way.  I get that.  However, I believe timing serves a purpose with our development and spiritual awakening.  For reasons unknown to me, my awakening happened much later in life.  I present my case in case one's time to awaken is now.

The word dupe and its definition did apply to me; I just didn't understand the why at the time.

“A person who is easily deceived or is used to carry out the designs of another.”

 When it comes to Christianity, I feel duped.  I am not resentful.  I am thankful for my conservative upbringing and appreciate the stability of my core values.  Nevertheless, the evidence is clear, the Christian religion preaches from a foundation of deception and once I found out I wanted no more.  The evidence is so overpowering I can never go back and sit in a Paleolithic pew to revisit my old beliefs.  It would be like reinstating my belief in Santa Claus.

I will speak more about my 'awakening' in later posts.  In the meantime, check out these 'controversial' sites.

Contradictions in The Bible

Here is an example of a site that lists some contradictions of the Bible.  Click here to visit or type in 'Contradictions in the Bible' in a search engine and get a taste from both sides.  To me, even as a former Christian, the rebuttals lack substance.

For an exhaustive list visit 1001 Contradictions & Discrepancies.  Click here

Zeitgeist: The Movie

The controversial documentary, Zeitgeist, is a revelation to some and sacrilege to others.  When you add the book, The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold by D. M. Murdock (pen name Acharya S.), from which this documentary culls most if its information, you will get a more convincing argument.
The documentary video contains three conspiracy theories:  Christianity, 9-11 and The New World Order.  To skip the introduction and watch the Christianity part advance to Part 1 at the 13:00 minute mark.  Part 1 is only 26 minutes long.

Click here to view Zeitgeist on the Top Documentary Films site.

The Law of Attraction

Finally, to venture beyond The Secret, check out  Here you will find a stunning resource on the undeniable aspects of The Law of Attraction.  Click here to access

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