Cancer Sucks

Along with ignorance.

In 2010, my wife, Pat's, Stage 4 Breast Cancer diagnosis was daunting.  The cancer had spread to her bone, liver and brain.  Immediately following that fateful day, we found out how the food we ingest plays a major role with the healing process.  A year later, the amazed Oncologist commented how well Pat had progressed.  Her tumor index number was almost normal and no signs of any cancer advancement.  The cancer had stopped.  I asked him if he had expected her to be living at that time.  He said, "No!"  The relief was euphoric.

We thought we stopped the cancer for good.  Ignorance is not bliss.  She became less stringent with her food choices and the cancer returned with a vengeance.  We found out why she was experiencing chronic pain in her back.  The cancer had spread to three areas on her spine.  We did not know then, but it was ravaging her brain as well.  She died in May of 2012.

We found out too late about the ways to overcome cancer after stopping the advancement of this vicious disease.  Stopping the progress of cancer was good.  Allowing it to accelerate again was deadly.  What I learned about cancer, our immune system and the way to maintain good health came too late for Pat.  However, in memory of my wife, allow me to share with you the vital information available to anyone and everyone who visits this site.

Most people do not know what causes cancer.  I didn't.  Does it hide, covert style, in the body until a trigger releases its venom to wreak havoc on its victim?  Is it an intruder from the outside like a virus?  Is it a tool used by heaven or hell to punish or torture its victims?  Where does it come from and how does it grow?  What type of environment does it need to thrive?

Cancer is preventable with proper nutrition.  Our body is designed to maintain health when our immune system is properly reinforced with superior upkeep.

Cancer is reversible with proper nutrition and natural remedies.  Our body is designed to heal itself when our immune system is properly reinforced with superior upkeep.

But that's too easy you say.  Yes, we have been inundated by the food and medical industry with all kinds of shameful propaganda.  It's time to research and think for ourselves, our health and well-being demand it.  By the way, Stage 1 cancer has the greatest chance of survival with 2 and 3 given good odds as well.  Stage 4 is reversible, but time is of the essence.

I am not a medical practitioner nor do I claim to have a degree in the study of medicine.  What I learned is available to anyone who ventures out beyond the profit driven biased medical care system.  For some it is imperative to act now by obtaining this vital information on how to prevent or cure cancer.

Don't wait until disease demands your diligence.

Much more will follow on the subject of cancer but for now, if you are suffering with the diagnosis of cancer or a disabling disease, or know someone who is, may I direct you to three vital resources.

Cancer Tutor contains a plethora of overcoming information on many specific cancers as well as an easy to understand explanation of the cause of cancer.

Nutrition Facts:  For those who like a presentation based on cutting-edge research, click on the link and watch From Table to Able: Combating Disabling Diseases With Food.  This site offers more than 1,800 short clinical based videos on the healing effects of proper nutrition.

The Rave Diet is teeming with overcoming information on the prevention and reversing of cancer through diet.

Just click on the links to access this crucial information.

Don't let ignorance take you, or a loved one, away.  Also, resist being a 'blank' (pawn fits well) when it comes to trusting our Disease Care System with your health.  The evidence is overwhelming.  There are reasons why it is suppressed from the public.  Don't be a 'blank' (victim) when it comes to your health and well-being.

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