If You Believe ~

The following is a sample from my list of If You Believe. statements and the unflattering words I use to fill in the Blank.  My ever-increasing compilation will keep me busy for a long time.  At least 5 times a week I will address a controversial issue in a post and welcome your comments.

Here is how it works.  I begin with

If You Believe (then choose a topic like)
The World is Flat (follow up with)
You Might Be a (fill in the blank from the list)
If you believe ~ the world is flat ~ you might be a simpleton.

That was an easy one.  How about the more controversial ideas (like the samples below) that some of us love and hold dear?  What will you do when I pick on your precious belief?  What will I think when you counter mine?

Our precious beliefs are just an accumulation of thoughts we keep thinking.  We were not born with our beliefs intact.  Thoughts hitched a ride from parents, guardians, relatives, friends, academia, and religious influences along the way and developed into beliefs we insist are true.

One does not 'know' they know; they just know they believe it to be so.

How can billions of good people be wrong when they do not agree with your belief?  Take note how you feel or react when confronted with an opposing belief.   Do your emotions spike?  Do you feel anger, frustration or disdain, for the 'misinformed'?  Do you shut down, lash out or move on?  Have your beliefs ever changed?  Do you believe the same way you did 5 years ago?  How about 10 or 20 years ago?  Of course they have.  Some adjust even core beliefs when they embrace a new or convincing idea.

That is what I propose to do.  Offer new ideas to ponder.  I ask you to relax, take a deep breath and consider why some people do not believe the way you do.  You may learn something new.  Think about what proof they rely on to counter your belief?  Who is right and who is wrong?  In the bigger scheme of things, does it matter?

Here is my ever-expanding list of non-flattering nouns to fill in the Blank:

Addlepate, adulator, believer, bootlicker, brownnoser, chump, clown, crazy, cynic, dependent, devotee, dingbat, disciple, dope, doormat, doter, dupe, dumb ass, dummkopf, dummy, dunce, easy mark, easy touch, flunky, follower, fool, freeloader, goat, groveler jackass, jester, joke, lackey, lame-brain, laughingstock, loser, minion, moron, naive person, parasite, patsy, pawn, peon, pigeon, political junkie, proselyte, puppet, pushover, sap, schmuck, simpleton, sitting duck, skeptic soft touch, softie, sponger, stooge, sucker, sycophant, target, toady, tool, trusting soul, turkey, vassal, victim, yes-person, zealot.

The four controversial subjects I choose to single out are:
The U.S. Health (Disease) Care System,
The Average American Diet,
Christianity and
U.S. Politics

Here is an example from each group:

If you believe ~
Your body is incapable of healing itself from major diseases,
~ you might be a 'pawn'!
If you believe ~
Vegetarians and Vegans risk being protein deficient,
~ you might be a 'sucker'!

If you believe ~
The biblical Gospels were written as a series of historical events,
~ you might be a 'dupe'!

If you believe ~
three towers collapsed because two jetliners crashed into two structures,
~ you might be a 'chump'!

You can tell how I feel about each subject by my condescending statement.  Remember, I am just archiving my current beliefs.  The rebuttal I welcome from you is the extra good stuff.  I also welcome your If You Believe statements.  So visit daily and be part of the unfolding.

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